Monday 24 July 2017

Electronic Transport and Anisotropic Conductivity Behavior on PEDOT:PSS Nanoribbons and Nanostructuring Modification by Atomic Force Microscope Nanoshaving

Anisotropic Conductivity

Nanoribbons of organic semiconductor salts, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT-PSS), were deposited on silicon dioxide (SiO2) by the electrospinning technique.

It is possible to “shave” or mechanically displace small regions of the polymer nanoribbon by using atomic force microscopy (AFM) nanolithography techniques such as nanoshaving, leaving swaths of the surface cut to the depth of thickness of the nanoribbon.

By placing the nanoribbon between two electrode pads with a 10 μm gap, for the first time was performed nanoshaving on the nanoribbon by removing portions of PEDOT-PSS and simultaneously in-situ transport measurement properties of the nanoribbons’ dependence on the remaining cross section, showed evidence of anisotropic nature of the conductivity of PEDOT-PSS nanoribbons.

Monday 17 July 2017

Nanoparticles Restrictions in Environmental Cleanup

Nanoparticles Restrictions Environmental contamination with a variety and mixed pollutants are a problematic issue worldwide. If the contaminated sites are left without any satisfactory remediation, it leads to the successive threaten of ecosystems, then human life.

So, applications of nanotechnology in environmental remediation are encouraged because of the novel properties (e.g. special structure, very large surface area and greater reactivity), whereas, ‘‘Nano’’ may be more than just ‘‘small’’.

Also, environmental nanotechnology restraint is due to lack of full understanding characterization, fate and transport of such ultrafine materials in the environment. The objective of this work is to point major challenges facing environmental nanoscience and urges developing eco-friendly techniques to ensure good quality of life.

Dependence of Biofuel Bio-refineries on Polymer Applications: The Outlook of Profitable Biofuel Opportunities

The strategies for production and processing of Bio-based nonpetroleum fuels from a variety of biomass are actively exploited in the recent years. Bio-polymers likecellulose, starch, xylan, pectin etc. are renewables obtained from plants, algae and other biological sources that are being exploited for variety of applications in biofuels.

Technologies for biological/chemical processing of these polysaccharides to form fuels, platform chemicals and other value added byproducts to enhance process profitability can be the next breakthrough in biofuel commercialization. In the early stages of biofuel revolution, plant polymers were promising targets for alcoholic fuel production. Difficulties prevailed with lignin processing were overcome by third generation algal biomass and customized biopolymer production through algae attained global interest. Read more>>>>>>>

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Tubular Membrane Module-The Suitable Configuration for Pervaporation Desalination Membrane

Pervaporation Desalination Membrane

Seawater desalination has been proved to be an efficient way to alleviate the global water crisis. Among major desalination technologies, membrane separation seems to be the most applicable and economic method because of its high efficiency, small footprint, energy saving, easily scales up etc.

Currently, membrane researchers focus on developing better reverse osmosis (RO) and membrane distillation (MD) membranes. RO is the dominate technology for membrane desalination.

However, it is difficult to treat high concentrated salt water due to the extremely high osmosis pressure. In a MD process, the driving force lies in the difference of the water vapor pressures between the membrane feed and permeate sides.

Sunday 9 July 2017

pH-Sensitive Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy: Is this a Real Innovation in Nanomedicine?

In past decades, nanomedicine made impressive progress from basic science to clinical application. The goal of nanoparticles in nanomedicine is to develop systemscapable of carrying, releasing and delivering their payload drugs in an efficient manner to target tissues.

Despite the important advances in nanotechnology and nanomedicine, these technological translations for new pharmaceutical products did not meet the expectations of the scientific community. The gap between the promising in vivo pre-clinical results and the outcome of clinical trials was not closed, and this continues to challenge researchers worldwide. As described previously in 2012 nanoparticles with sizes ranging from 30 nm to 200 nm can be specifically taken up by tumor tissues. This is a classical phenomenon, well known as the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect. Read more>>>>>>

Thursday 6 July 2017

Semi-synthesis of Chitosan with High Molecular Weight and Enhanced Deacetylation Degree

Chitosan is a cationic polymer with different biomedical, biotechnological, environmental, industrial and agricultural applications. Various methods were suggested to preparechitosan from its natural ancestor polymer, chitin, but the controlling of the molecular weight and degree of deacetylation of the resulting polymer was a problem where there is an inverse relationship between them.

This study aimed at modifying the sequence of deacetylation process in combination with number of cooling/heating cycles for chitin to produce chitosans with high molecular weight as well as enhanced deacetylation. The produced chitosans were tested for their molecular weights, chemical structure, deacetylation degrees, antioxidant properties and purity. With the proposed modification of polymer deacetylation, different chitosans of different degrees of deacetylation but similar molecular weights were prepared. This may represent a more economical method for the production as well as applications of different types of chitosan. Read more>>>>>>

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Tubular Membrane Module-The Suitable Configuration for Pervaporation Desalination Membrane

Seawater desalination has been proved to be an efficient way to alleviate the global water crisis. Among major desalination technologies, membrane separation seems to be the mostapplicable and economic method because of its high efficiency, small footprint, energy saving, easily scales up etc.

Tubular Membrane Module

Currently, membrane researchers focus on developing better reverse osmosis (RO) and membrane distillation (MD) membranes. RO is the dominate technology for membrane desalination. However, it is difficult to treat high concentrated salt water due to the extremely high osmosis pressure. In a MD process, the driving force lies in the difference of the water vapor pressures between the membranes feed and permeate sides. Theoretically, high concentrated brine water can be easily treated as long as the low water vapor pressure in the permeate side can be maintained either by running a cooling water or applying a low pressure in the membrane permeate side. Read more>>>>>>

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Nanoparticles Restrictions in Environmental Cleanup

Environmental contamination with a variety and mixed pollutants are a problematic issue worldwide. If the contaminated sites are left without any satisfactory remediation, it leads to the successive threaten of ecosystems, then human life.

So, applications of nanotechnology in environmental remediation are encouraged because of the novel properties (e.g. special structure, very large surface area and greater reactivity), whereas, ‘‘Nano’’ may be more than just ‘‘small’’.

Also, environmental nanotechnology restraint is due to lack of full understanding characterization, fate and transport of such ultrafine materials in the environment. The objective of this work is to point major challenges facing environmental nanoscience and urges developing eco-friendly techniques to ensure good quality of life.

Monday 3 July 2017

Study on Antheraea perny Silk Fibroin Nanoparticles Carried Insulin

The gradual improvement of the living standard of human beings, the incidence of diabetes is increasing day by day. Although diabetes does not have the obvious symptomsof cardiovascular disease, the horror of AIDS and the intense rapid of cancer.

Silk Fibroin Nanoparticles
Diabetes continues to erode human body. Diabetes acts an important role quietly among several major "killers" who endanger human life. And diabetes becomes the third largest diseases killer after cardiovascular diseases and cancer in threating to human health. Silk fibroin has polypeptide chain segments, which presents random curl in dilute solution, α-helical structures in concentrated solution and water-insoluble β-hairpin formed while silkworms spin silk. In the medical field, silk fibroin has good biocompatibility, biodegradability, and non-toxicity so that it can become a promising application of drug delivery medical materials.

Friday 30 June 2017

Synthesis and Characterization of Iridium Organometallic Complexes Covalently Grafted to Mesoporous Silicates and their Application on Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solution

Wastes containing traces of toxic metal ions such as chromium, copper, cobalt lead and zinc etc., when discharged in the environment through chemical manufacturing, power generation, battery industry and welding etc., can cause serious environmental problem andpollution.

Mesoporous Silicates
Furthermore, contaminated waste can also cause a variety of diseases that would threaten human life as well as other animals. A different number of methods are available for the removal of heavy metals from wastewater including, electrochemical treatment, chemical precipitation, ion-exchange, solvent extraction membrane technology, ultrafiltration, adsorption on activated carbon etc. However, most of these methods are ineffective, expensive and inapplicable to a wide range of pollutants.

Thursday 29 June 2017

Nanoparticles Restrictions in Environmental Cleanup

Due to a widespread of industrial activities, an extraordinary number of contaminants are released into the environment. That can pollute soil, air, and water, as well as cause deforestation, biodiversity losses, soil degradation and harm to human health.

For example, when pollutants are released into aquatic ecosystems, direct (toxic) effects on aquatic biota are possible, as well as, indirect effects in ecological communities by complex relationships (i.e. through entering food chain). Many of these pollutants are known or suspected as carcinogens, mutagens and may alter ecosystem function. Therefore, a variety of environmental treatment techniques have been designed, using bioremediation, phytoremediation, physical and chemical remediation and so on.

Wednesday 28 June 2017

The Use of Membranes in Olive Mill Wastewater Treatment: How to Control Dynamic Fouling?

A huge effort has been carried out by the scientific community to reduce the problem of membranefouling, but it remains still in these days as one of the main challenges of this technology.

In particular, this is a big handicap in the use of membranes for wastewater applications, a market where membranes have gained significant use in the last decade. As an example of the implementation of membrane technology for a variety of wastewater streams already we can point stainless steel, energy cogeneration, nuclear-power, textile, paper and agro-food industries, among others.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Glass Powder as Polyethylene Filler

Polymeric materials have many merits, but researchers continue to seek new polymers with even better properties. One of the ways of obtaining novel polymer materials with improvedproperties which cannot be produced by direct polymerization is to mix polymers with various kinds of fillers at various weight ratios.

Polyethylene Filler
An important aspect of this method is the fact that it reduces manufacturing costs. The properties, in particular, the mechanical ones, of filled polymers depend to a large extent on the size, shape and distribution of the particles of the filler in the polymer matrix, as well as on the quality of adhesion between the filler and the matrix. Commonly, the weight content of the filler ranges from several to several dozen percent (60 or more).Such composites are prepared by mixing in mills or in the plasticizing systems of processing machines such as extruders and injection moulding machines.

Thursday 22 June 2017

pH-Sensitive Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy: Is this a Real Innovation in Nanomedicine?

In past decades, nanomedicine made impressive progress from basic science to clinical application. The goalof nanoparticles in nanomedicine is to develop systems capable of carrying, releasing and delivering their payload drugs in an efficient manner to target tissues.

pH-Sensitive Nanoparticles
Despite the important advances in nanotechnology and nanomedicine, these technological translations for new pharmaceutical products did not meet the expectations of the scientific community. The gap between the promising in vivo pre-clinical results and the outcome of clinical trials was not closed, and this continues to challenge researchers worldwide. As described previously in 2012 nanoparticles with sizes ranging from 30 nm to 200 nm can be specifically taken up by tumor tissues. This is a classical phenomenon, well known as the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Dependence of Biofuel Bio-refineries on Polymer Applications: The Outlook of Profitable Biofuel Opportunities

The strategies for production and processing of Bio-based nonpetroleum fuels from a variety of biomass are actively exploited in the recent years. Bio-polymerslike cellulose, starch, xylan, pectin etc. are renewables obtained from plants, algae and other biological sources that are being exploited for variety of applications in biofuels.

Biofuel lifecycle
Technologies for biological/chemical processing of these polysaccharides to form fuels, platform chemicals and other value added byproducts to enhance process profitability can be the next breakthrough in biofuel commercialization. In the early stages of biofuel revolution, plant polymers were promising targets for alcoholic fuel production.

Friday 9 June 2017

Study on Antheraea perny Silk Fibroin Nanoparticles Carried Insulin

Silk Fibroin Nanoparticles
Chinese oak tasar Antheraea pernyi silk fibroin nanoparticles are a promising biomaterial for drug delivery because of its good properties, such as biodegradability and biocompatibility.

In recent decades, self-assembling nanoparticles derived from Antheraea perny silk fibroin have risen too much interest in application of drug delivery. In this paper, the Ca2+ in calcium gluconate induced self-assembling nanoparticles.

It was fabricated by blending aqueous Antheraea perny silk fibroin solution, calcium ion and insulin in a proper mixing ratio. The structure of the silk nanoparticles carried insulin was characterized by X-ray diffraction, FTIR and DTA.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Tubular Membrane Module-The Suitable Configuration for Pervaporation Desalination Membrane

Pervaporation Desalination MembraneSeawater desalination has been proved to be an efficient way to alleviate the global water crisis. Among major desalination technologies, membrane separation seems to be the most applicable and economic method because of its high efficiency, small footprint, energy saving, easily scales up etc.

Currently, membrane researchers focus on developing better reverse osmosis (RO) and membrane distillation (MD) membranes. RO is the dominate technology for membrane desalination.

However, it is difficult to treat high concentrated salt water due to the extremely high osmosis pressure. In a MD process, the driving force lies in the difference of the water vapor pressures between the membranes feed and permeate sides.

Thursday 18 May 2017

pH-Sensitive Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy: Is this a Real Innovation in Nanomedicine?

In past decades, nanomedicine made impressive progress from basic science to clinical application.

The goal of nanoparticles in nanomedicine is to develop systems capable of carrying, releasing and delivering their payload drugs in an efficient manner to target tissues.

Despite the important advances in nanotechnology and nanomedicine, these technological translations for new pharmaceutical products did not meet the expectations of the scientific community.

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Importance of Nanoparticles in the Development of Durable Multi-functional and Smart Organic Coatings

Importance of nanoparticles in formulating durable, protective and multifunctional coatings has been discussed in this review.
Smart Organic Coatings

Use of nanomaterials in organic coatings has brought a break-through in the coatings industry. Development of advanced coatings like multi-functional and smart coatings has been escalated with the introduction of nanotechnology into coatings.

Different types of nanoparticles contribute different functions and these properties have been reviewed.

Thursday 4 May 2017

The Effects of Glyphosate and Multrazine on the Abundance and Diversity of Soil Microarthropods at the University Park

The effect of two herbicides, Glyphosate and Multrazine on the abundance and diversity of soil microarthropods (Mites and Collembolans) was assessed in a field experiment conducted from August to December, 2011 at the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Glyphosate and Multrazine
The herbicides were applied at varying doses of low (1.4 ml/m2 active ingredient; a.i, standard (2.8 ml/m2 a.i) and high (5.6 ml/m2 a.i) for Glyphosate; and low (2.1 ml/m2 a.i), standard (4.2 ml/m2 a.i) and high (8.4 ml/m2 a.i) for Multrazine; and control was included.

The experiment was conducted in a split-plot design with six replicates arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design. Moist soil samples were randomly collected from treated and control plots at the depths of 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm, and 15-20 cm, with an 8.5 cm2 diameter bucket-type auger.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

In Vitro Ovicidal and Larvicidal Activity of Aqueous and Methanolic Extracts of Ziziphus Mucronata Barks Against Haemonchus Contortus

Ziziphus Mucronata Barks
Haemonchus contortus is one of the most pathogenic nematode parasites in small ruminants’ worldwide. Anthelmintic resistance and high cost of drugs has prompted evaluation of medicinal plant extracts which can be used as alternative drugs.

The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro ovicidal and larvicidal activity of aqueous and methanolic extracts of Ziziphus mucronata barks against H.

contortus stages isolated from a sheep in Kenya. Barks of Z. mucronata were collected from Chad, air-dried, ground and extracted with methanol and distilled water.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Magnetic micro-particle immune separation combined with enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for quick detection of Salmonella typhimurium in raw eggs

Magnetic micro-particle immune separation

An immunomagnetic separation (IMS) method was developed for separating Salmonella typhimurium bacteria from large-volume samples of raw eggs.

An egg was homogenized with a blender. The homogenized egg material was diluted with DI water to make a 200 mL sample mixture. Anti-Salmonella typhimurium antibody coated magnetic micro particles (MMP) were used to trap the Salmonella bacteria in the sample mixture.

The Salmonella-trapped MMP were separated from the egg sample matrices by using a large magnet. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method was adopted and revised for detecting the bacteria trapped onto the MMP.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Dependence of Biofuel Bio-refineries on Polymer Applications: The Outlook of Profitable Biofuel Opportunities

Biofuel Bio-refineries on Polymer Applications

The strategy for production and processing of Bio-based nonpetroleum fuels from a variety of biomass is actively exploited in the recent years.

Bio-polymers like cellulose, starch, xylan, pectin etc. are renewables obtained from plants, algae and other biological sources that are being exploited for variety of applications in biofuels.

Technologies for biological/chemical processing of these polysaccharides to form fuels, platform chemicals and other value added byproducts to enhance process profitability can be the next breakthrough in biofuel commercialization.